Haptic on Mayor of London’s Architecture + Urbanism Framework
Haptic has been awarded a place on the Mayor of London’s new Architecture + Urbanism Framework!
We’re proud to be part of a diverse group of built environment consultants and support the mission to create a better, greener and more sustainable London for everyone. At Haptic, we create places that make people happy and we are excited to bring this vision to the framework, working together with companies and local communities.
The A+U Framework can be used by the Greater London Authority Group and other public sector commissioning authorities to appoint high-quality architectural, place making and urban planning design services for a range of built environment projects.
Haptic is selected for Lot 10 – Transport Design Specialist infrastructure and we look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise in this field and help shape the city.
Find out more here: https://www.london.gov.uk/programmes-strategies/shaping-local-places/advice-and-guidance/procurement-architecture-urbanism-framework